From September 1, 2021, as announced by government authorities, Défi-Évasion must require that each participant in an escape game be adequately protected against COVID-19.
Accordingly, at your arrival at one of our two locations, you will need to present your vaccination passport as well as an identification document in order to be able to access one of our themed escape game rooms.
If you are not adequately protected, that you refuse to present your valid vaccination passport and an identification document, we will be obligated to refuse you access without a refund.
By making a prior reservation on our website or by phone, you confirm that all participants meet this new requirement.
Note that an exception is provided for people with a clinical contraindication to vaccination or who are under 13 years of age. If necessary, proof to this effect will be requested from this / these person (s).
Participants must make a reservation before arriving on site.
The participant assures that he has no symptoms of COVID-19.
The participant assures that he has been in quarantine for 14 days if he was outside of the country, if he has tested positive for COVID-19 or if he has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
Wearing a mask is mandatory inside our establishment. This applies for people of the same address and different addresses.
Please bring your own face cover. The participants must respect as much as possible the distance of 2 meters with the employees.
Hand washing (with soap / water OR hydro-alcoholic solution) is mandatory.
– On arrival at our offices
– At the end of the scenario.
Participants must arrive 15 minutes before the start of their activity. If you arrive earlier, we will ask you to wait outside. Arriving late will result in shortened playing time. The scheduled start time of the game must be respected without exception.

We have made ajustements with the participant traffic in order to limit contacts between groups in areas that to not allow a minimum physical distance of 2 meters.
Exceptionally, Défi-Évasion will privatize each of the groups to limit contact between people who do not know each other. Due to this exceptional measure, it is required to pay for a minimum of 3 participants.
Between each shift, an employee is responsible for disinfecting the premises, whether it be waiting areas, toilets or doorknobs.
The scenarios will be disinfected between each group with a disinfectant spray device.
Our employees will be equipped with personal protective equipment and will maintain a distance of 2 meters between themselves and the participants.
In order to reduce manipulations that do not have a significant impact on the experience, some elements, accessories and costumes have been removed in our thematic games or during the animation performed by the employee.