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Haunted Hotel


Online riddle game. Horror

Recommended Age



We recommend a small team of 2 people.




Your expertise is required at a hotel that is apparently haunted. The hotel is in the middle of the woods, and all the guests have fled after incidents involving paranormal activity. Some say they saw a glowing figure wandering the halls, while others say they were hit or attacked by an invisible force. The hotel owners have hired you to investigate the events and determine if there is indeed a ghost haunting the premises and, if so, what type of spirit it is in order to take the appropriate measures to chase it away. The key to the room where the events seem to have originated has been left for you at reception. Let’s hope, for your good, that the ghost won’t try to attack you during your visit… 

Important: This game involves a few technological tools. To check whether the device (computer, tablet or cell phone) you’re about to play with is compatible, please click here.

Particularities : Unlike other Defi-Evasion At Home, you will not only have to solve puzzles, but also search and make the right connections between the clues found at the haunted location to retrieve essential information for your investigation. Game navigation is more complex. It is not a linear game.

Number of participants :

This is an online riddle game that can be played from anywhere with any device as long as you have Internet access! However, this is not a video game. On your own or with a team, enter a scenario where you’ll have a series of riddles to solve that will allow you to reach the conclusion of the story and thus achieve your objective. Have fun, use your imagination and logic to succeed in the game at your own pace.For those playing remotely with other players, we advise you to each purchase the game on your own to facilitate your actions in the game, to open it on one of your screens (computer, tablet, television, etc.) and then to connect with your friends via an application (Facetime, Skype, Zoom, etc.) to see each other and discuss the solutions to the riddles. You’ll each have to answer the riddles on your own devices to proceed to the next steps of the game.At Home games can be played alone or in a team. We suggest that you form teams of a maximum of 6 players in order to facilitate communication and ensure participation from each player. However, you can form multiple teams of 6 players simultaneously playing the same game. Following your purchase, your access to the game will be valid for 12 months (365 days).
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